Gmail Web

  1. On Google Chrome, open Developer Tools by pressing F12 button
  2. Copy-paste the code given below on to Console tab and press Enter
  3. This enables ‘Snow’ on the Gmail.

var css = document.createElement("style"); css.type = "text/css"; css.innerHTML = ".xY, .y2 { color:#fff !important } .xY:hover, .y2:hover { color:#000 !important }'"; document.body.appendChild(css);

WhatsApp Web

  1. On Google Chrome, open Developer Tools by pressing F12 button
  2. Copy-paste the code given below on to Console tab and press Enter
  3. This enables ‘Snow’ on the WhatsApp.

var css = document.createElement("style"); css.type = "text/css"; css.innerHTML = ".message-text, .message, .chat-title, .header-title, .chatlist, .chat-status, .chatlist, .header-secondary { color:#fff !important } .message-text:hover, .message:hover, .chat-title:hover, .header-title:hover, .chatlist:hover, .chat-status:hover, .chatlist:hover, .header-secondary:hover { color:#000 !important }'"; document.body.appendChild(css);

Google Hangouts Web

  1. On Google Chrome, open Developer Tools by pressing F12 button
  2. Copy-paste the code given below on to Console tab and press Enter
  3. This enables ‘Snow’ on the WhatsApp.

var css = document.createElement("style"); css.type = "text/css"; css.innerHTML = ".cj, .JL{ color:#fff !important } .cj:hover, .JL:hover { color:#000 !important }'"; document.body.appendChild(css);